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Monday, February 9, 2009

Teacher gifts are done!

Here they are- they turned out so cute!


Courtney said...

SO cute!!! I like them with the popcorn ball on top! :)

~kari said...

SO adorable! How did you make the popcorn ball?

~kari said...

I was wondering if you had sent something out for me. You had mentioned it a while ago but I never got anything. If you did let me know, almost every piece of mail sent for me ends up at my neighbors two streets over so when I'm missing mail I have to go over there because she refuses to walk down here. :)

OH! I'm logged in as my mom, but this is MAMAKRIT! SORRY!

Teresa Pomerantz said...

Hey Kristina- I got the directions for the popcorn ball by googling it. and Yes- I do have something to send you- its just been crazy. This weekend I will get it out to you. Happy Valentines Day btw

Kris said...

TERESA!!!! You're amazing! You pulled it off so incredibly with those popcorn balls! I really, really like the look of it. I'm so glad that you enjoyed the tutorial. Those teachers will be so thrilled. You have to keep us posted on their reactions!

Cheeziemommie said...

Hi there! I saw your link on the YCMT blog and how funny that not only did you make the sundaes for your kids' teachers, which is what I plan to do, we also have the same blog background! haha :)

Teresa Pomerantz said...

haha CheezieMommie- I was just over on your blog and noted the same thing- us Cheezie Mommies gotta stick together:)

crystal_crtr2 said...

Those turned out so cute. I only have one to make for Jenna's teacher, but i think that I am going to make some for my grandparents too.

***Sharon*** said...

Hi! Saw your comment on the YCMT blog and came over to check out your popcorn ball tops! They are SO CUTE! Like you I couldn't find any taffy so I was scrambling to come up with another idea. After seeing yours I popped some popcorn and plugged in my glue gun. WELL. I ate the Great job you did!

Teresa Pomerantz said...

hee hee about eating the popcorn :)
I confess- I did taste the popcorn balls- you know, just to make sure they tasted okay :)

Shawnee said...

Those popcorn balls with the chocolate were a great substitute. As you saw, I used cotton candy ... what a fun idea this was.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.