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Monday, February 9, 2009

OK- I know your out there lurking

I have only one PIF commenter. Pay it Forward is a great program.
Or maybe I do only have 3 people who read this- me, myself, and I? Well we will keep nattering on anyway! Maybe someone will randomly land in my blog by clicking on that next blog button up at the top.
Quilt status- the pink and sage green is 2/3 sewn together. the black/white/teal is patiently waiting for me to sew it together too.
And my "sundae" teacher's gifts are in progress. If you haven't seen this- sneak over and visit Kris at JesseKate Designs. Her valentine center pieces are becoming my teachers gifts- only I can't find taffy so they are getting popcorn balls instead.


Kris said...

I'm here!! And I can't wait to see your centerpieces when they're done! I had another thought if you don't want to make popcorn balls...what about using peppermint hard candies or even jolly ranchers? I think those could be so cute, too!

Teresa Pomerantz said...

I did look at the peppermints and jolly ranchers- but they didn't quite have the same look.

Carla Hegeman Crim said...

I'm here too!!!

I'm a lurker by nature!