While this is not the most technically perfect picture- it does have all 4 of them looking and looking so cute in their Matilda Jane (yes- the boys are wearing the Mr Lucas shirts from MJ)
If you are interested in coming to the Trunk show it will be Sunday March 1st at the Bright Horizons on Braker Ln in Austin at 2:30pm. Come and see the brand new collection- I can't wait. And I am setting up my photography lights so there are pictures involved!
Matilda Jane's website is http://www.matildajanegirls.com/ and the blog is http://www.matildajane.typepad.com/ they have been posting sneak peaks over there so head on over and check them out.
Bring your friends- your all invited. (more pics of my kids in Matilda Jane at www.momentsmatterphotography.blogspot.com)
And if that wasn't enough I also got 3/4 packs for the Grand Revival Darla Fat quarters- this pic is from the Grand Revival Blog
Here is the picture from the Fat Quarter Shop
See- what happened was- I joined a fat quarter swap. Then I ordered fabric- I think I thought I was ordering a small pack- but um- no. But my husband said it was okay- I can keep it so Hooray!
Can't wait to sew!
For those of you who are not family- you might not know that when Ari turned three he was inarticulate- he rarely said anything and he was very frustrated in trying to communicate. He had had a series of ear infections from 12mos old and had ear tubes put in at 18 mo- even after that his ears drained and drained and when we took him for his followup with his ENT he had 40% hearing loss. His dr gave him claritin and suddenly his ears started clearing up- by the time he hit 2 1/2 he had 100% hearing- he got it all back- but he wasn't talking.
When he was 2 1/2 I had twin girls- He liked to play independantly and I just thought it was that he was secure- but then when he turned 3 and wasn't talking I was worried- and I thought he might be autistic- he had neurologist appts and MRIs and even a geneology screening- and wouldn't you know it- completely normal. We put him in private speech therapy and since January 08 he had made huge strides. He was doing 48 piece puzzles at age 3. and then he drew the lion above. Isn't that impressive for a 3 yr old? I have tried to find an art program- but there are not any for age three. What is up with that? Ballet starts at 3- why not art?