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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year to You!

Here in the Pomerantz household we are gearing up for a fabulous new year starting with our resolutions. Here are a few of mine:
1. enjoy the quiet moments
2. more crafting
3. resume going to the gym on a regular basis (4 times a week for bodyjam)
4. I am not going to resolve to lose weight since that isn't effective- instead I am resolving to get healthy this year.
5. To have my crooked teeth straightened and whitened.
6. To work with Itai on writing
Hope your resolves are attainable.


Three Prince Designs said...

Yes- I agree - I am going to try to be healthier. Good luck with your list!

Carla Hegeman Crim said...

You have very admirable, realistic goals for the new year! I know that you will attain all you want and then some :) . I am also going to work towards better health (this from a person who just downed a dozen raw oysters of unknown origin).