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Monday, December 1, 2008

SMICHIS and christmas crocs

Here is my daughters' SMICHI (sensory blanket)- I will make matching nightgowns out of the peasant gown pattern from
The best part is I already had the fabric and ribbons so the SMICHIs were 0 dollars to make. The clogs were 4dollars a pair- so at 4 pair they cost me 16 dollars- and since I had the ribbons and paint and glue already- it cost me only for the shoes themselves. My grand total currently is 19 if I have to include the clogs as a cost- not sure I should as they are an outfit for the holidays and not a gift- but I will put it in the cost for now. Next stop- the nightgowns. Might have to have pockets with gingerbread girls on them? hmmm. Now any ideas how to decorate clogs for boys? A friend suggested skater shoe laces.
I wish I could find me studio lights- we just moved two months ago and I still haven't located them yet.
Here are their Christmas crocs- Oh Horrors- I will need to make a matching outfit- no, no, please don't throw me in the briar patch.

I liked the SMICHI ribbons so much that I had to make matching crocs :). Another outfit perhaps?

Here are the gingerbread girls that I attached to the shoes- I am making matching bows.

The gingerbread girls in progress.


Carla Hegeman Crim said...

What beautiful gifts! Those crocs are SO adorable!!! I can just see them on cute little feet!

Kim said...

Wow! Those are all gorgeous. Your photography is just stunning, too. I love the colors you used in those sensory blankets - they look so soft and sweet. Thanks so much for being a part of this challenge!

Kim :)

Kris said...

Wow! You are really on a roll! Those crocs are TDF!

Three Prince Designs said...

I just love those shoes and the taggie blanket- so darling!