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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I want to give a shout out

to Ayelet at harkada radio- it is Israeli Dance music played 24-7. With Live shows on Mondays and Tuesdays and sometimes Fridays. Love it- I stream at work and minimize the chat. Or you can chat too. The chat is sometimes English, sometimes Dutch, sometimes Hebrew. You never know what you will get. You should really check it out! Here is the link to Harkada . (music is mostly Hebrew- but occasionally they throw in spanish and english)
Awesome station!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I need your help- what to name my photography business.

I have had Moments Matter Photography for 3 years, but... last year I found someone in another state is using my Moments Matter name. I sent her a note saying she was in violation but she said she registered with her state and as long as they said it was okay she wasn't going to give it up. I never registered mine here. So I have toyed with a couple of different names: Teresa Maureen Photography and Birds Nest Photography. I just can't seem to nail it down since I really liked my Moments Matter. But I got to thinking maybe I should change it to Teresa Maureen since Moments Matter is limited to people photography only. I am not in love with any of them, So what do you think? Here is my current logo
and here is my work up for Teresa Maureen. I
didn't make one for Birds Nest Photography, although I did get the domain. Do you have another suggestion?
The issue is that if you do a google search- you find her, not me. I did want a more colorful logo- but I can't think of anything using Teresa Maureen and I am not sure about Birds Nest- although it does have great branding potentional. So I am throwing this out there for your suggestions. HELP?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Just a quick drop in note

I am having a garage sale tomorrow- and I haven't done anything except told my neighborhood I would host one as part of their neighborhood garage sale. So tomorrow early am will find me out putting anything and everything into the garage sale. Whee!
but hey, at least I will have some cash to show for it.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Oh, I know it has been a while

but there are going to be a life change coming. I am leaving my job at IBM to become a stay at home mom in June. There are a myriad of reasons but the one I am looking forward to the most is spending more than 2 hrs a day with my children. I feel like my children's daycare knows more about them than I do.
So if I post anything crazy like- that is why. This also will let me spend 3 weeks in Israel in July :) I am looking forward to it. I will get to practice more photography too.
Drawback- little adult time. You guys have to give me some Adult conversation okay. I don't mean xxx conversation- I mean crafting and people conversation.
So now I need to get working on some ebooks for so I can earn some extra money. I was also considering hosting a blog to sell my scrapbook stuff- I have a whole room full and it is just a part of my life that is behind me right now. And when I bought the stuff- oh how happy it made me. Now it makes me sad- seeing how much money I spent buying it and not having any time to use it. If I have any spare time- I want to sew- or take pictures, or just take my kids to the park.